What is the Homeowner Assistance Fund? – How to Apply

All over the country, the Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) program is helping eligible and distressed homeowners with their home expenses.
The Homeowner Assistance Fund (HAF) is a federal program to help households who are behind on their mortgages and other housing-related expenses due to the impacts of COVID-19.
How the Homeowner Assistance Fund Works:
Every state and territory has its own program, so the HAF program varies from place to place. While this is a federal program, every homeowner will want to seek out assistance to know what the program looks like in their locality.
This is where nonprofit HUD-approved housing counseling is a huge help. No matter where you are, a HUD-certified housing counselor will be able to help you understand the qualifications for the area where you reside.
Am I eligible?
Housing assistance can help with many kinds of home-related debt, not just mortgage loans. Any bill, debt or financial obligation related to your home that threatens your status as a homeowner can be addressed. This may include property taxes, utility bills, HOA dues, etc.
Homeowners Assistance Fund Qualifications
Some basic requirements must be met to be eligible for HAF:
· Financial hardship related to the COVID-19 pandemic
· The assistance must be for your primary residence
· Household income must at or below state requirements
· Most states set this at $79,900, or 150% of the area’s median income, whichever is higher. Some states have lower limits.
· Additional specific requirements for your area’s program
Non-COVID Hardship
If your financial hardship is unrelated to the COVID-19 pandemic, or you exceed the HAF income limits, assistance from your lender/servicer may still be an option.
Get Help with my Mortgage:
Anyone with questions or in need of guidance through the application process can reach out to our HUD-approved housing counselors for free .
The NCSHA (National Council of State Housing Agencies) also has a site with an interactive map that will let you check if for HAF program in your area if currently accepting applications and what the local requirements are.
How to Apply
Remember, we’re available to help anyone with questions or guidance through the application process. To find out more, call us today or visit the CFPB’s site to get help through the homeowner assistance fund.
Get Free Rental Counseling
In addition to the always evolving suite of housing counseling services we offer, access to these programs is an excellent reason for anyone concerned about their housing status to reach out to a HUD-approved housing counseling agency. Get started with your rental counseling or housing counseling session for free today.
Even renters should seek nonprofit housing counseling. While the HAF program is just to help homeowners, other programs like the HSCP (Housing Stability Counseling Program) exist to help anyone facing financial instability, eviction or any threat of homelessness.
The HSCP is part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, which earmarked $100 million in housing counseling funds through NeighborWorks America.
Published at Fri, 02 Sep 2022 14:13:36 -0500
By National Centre for Atmospheric Science on 2022-07-28 14:18:29